Cool news (& a teeny patch)

Nearly three months since launch! We've been having a good time.

Amarantus recently won a New Zealand Games Festival award - they have a category specifically for Australian games (that's us!). The awards are called The Pavs and they're all pavlova themed. We won the Guest Plate! Our character artist Syd drew this to celebrate:

We're really happy! You better believe I put "award-winning game dev" in my Twitter profile (lol). I couldn't make it to the Awards Ceremony, but our editor Saf attended and had a delightful time.

Amarantus has also been nominated for an Australian Game Developer Award in the Excellence in Narrative category. The award ceremony's in early October and the plan is for a few of us to attend - I'm really looking forward to it. It's part of Melbourne International Games Week, which I haven't been to since 2018. It's so exciting to get back in touch with the Aussie game dev scene after the past few years! If any of y'all will be there, reach out.

Also I just pushed a teeny tiny patch which

  1. corrects two instances of improper capitalisation of The Major
  2. fixes a few instances where the music playing in a scene doesn't loop smoothly.

That's all for today. We're working on finishing up a proper soundtrack which we can hopefully get online in the not-to-distant future. Is there anything else you'd like to see from us? Shout out.


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